Sep 24Liked by Krista

This was so fun to read!! I found out about you & Moby Dyke via Maddy’s Substack, so now it’s full circle!

I’m surprised to hear that writing is so lonely! The act itself is obviously a mostly solo one (though imo collaborative works should be more of a thing, like This Is How You Lose the Time War), but writers on Substack are always mentioning each other and seem like they hang out a lot. Many authors also mention writing circles they’re in when they write their acknowledgements. I guess I was imagining a vibrant community. :’(

Also, the scent allergy thing is so real! I never know how to deal with that, aside from not wearing anything to a doctor’s office or crowded area. In you are two wolves: one wants to smell good, and one wants to respect others’ medical conditions. 😭

Thanks again for posting this awesome interview!

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Two wolves!!! yes!! And I guess it's the act of writing itself that's lonely – it's just so many hours tapping away without ever being sure if it's a waste of time or if what you're writing is actual garbage, ya know? And you're right: lots of writers doooo know other writers, and there are definitely writing circles, but that's a two wolves problem for me: One wolf wants to join a writing circle, and the other wolf absolutely refuses to adhere to more deadlines/homework-type feelings! AHHHH

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Sep 25Liked by Krista

Hmm, it’d be nice if there were writing circles where you could like. Drop in when you’re ready (no extra homework/deadlines!) and ask if you’re writing garbage (which I sincerely doubt you are)! So maybe I’m thinking of a message board, lmao. (Or in today’s parlance, a Discord.) But not wanting additional homework is so real!! Perhaps a writing circle where those with nothing to share just get to drink and complain about their writing would also be good? But that just might be a typical get-together, lmao!

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god yes, a drop-in writing circle where you could also just not have anything ready sounds perfect. I... should i start that? maybe i should start that???

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